2024 | June 9-12 | Minneapolis, MN

Cooperation and Innovation

The theme of this year’s conference is Cooperation and Innovation – highlighting the ways that our region’s utilities, developers, regulators, stakeholders, and communities have worked together for the public good.



2023 | August 6-9 | Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Vision: Past, Present, Future

Just across the river from the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, the MARC 2023 conference takes place during the most active era of federal energy policy since President Ford was in the White House. Even with unprecedented federal investments through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, the role of state utility regulation and regulators has never been more important in overseeing the electric grid, pipelines, water infrastructure, and other critical assets.

Conference Information

Conference Sponsors


2022  |  June 19-22  |  Chicago, IL

In responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and the coming challenges of climate change, we are at pivotal moment in shaping the future of the energy and water industry and the role of regulation and regulators.  We must address our present needs while looking to a changing landscape on the horizon and this is why we must start “Building the New Normal”. We have already begun to see unprecedented investments from the recently enacted Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act which will provide much-needed funding into our grid, pipelines, and other critical infrastructure.

Registration Details

Who’s Planning to Attend


Printable Agenda


Site Visits


2021  |  Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic

2020  |  Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic

2020  |  June 21-24  |  MARC Annual Meeting  |  Grand Rapids, MI

Explore Grand Rapids

Explore Michigan 

Draft Agenda



2019  |  August 11-14  |  Des Moines, Iowa

Blue Ribbon Winner

MARC 2019 Agenda

MARC 2019 Speakers

MARC 2019 Registered Attendees 

MARC 2019 Sponsors



2018  |  June 3-6  |  Kansas City, MO

MARC 2018 Agenda

2017  |  Chicago, IL





MARC 2017 Agenda

MARC 2017 Sponsors



MARC 2016 Program